13 Aralık 2012 Perşembe

I Need You

I need you.
To pour out my troubles on my heart.
To heal your wound inside me.

I need you.
To protect me from myself.
To catch the perfection on this evil world.

I need you.
Like a flower which needs to water,
Like a creature that doesn't live without getting air.

I need you.
To get rid of the darkness that lies in my mind,
To get rid of those growing long last shadows beneath my heart.

I need an angel.
To carry my sins,
However who is elevated but won't to bear them.

I need a second heart.
To complete with mine.
To create a whole heart.

I love you.
Like nobody's will understand,
Even I didn't understand which lies beneath my heart.
Because I can't find any reason to love you.

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